I learned how to drive this past summer in preparation for my sophomore year of college. I got my license just last month, which is perfect, because my mom, older brother, and father all have full-time jobs, and all four of my classes require me to be on campus.

When I met with my academic advisor in the summer, she explained to me that I wouldn’t be able to take any online classes during my first semester of school — how does that work, anyway? Students had to have been allowed to take online classes when COVID-19 was at its worst, right? Do potential students that can’t make the trip to campus for whatever reason just… not enroll in classes?

I can’t say I know what to make of the internet, and I can’t say that I blame people that are apprehensive of it. I know I can speak only for myself when I say it’s had a net (haha!) positive on my life. At the same time, though, there’s something very objectively fantastic that I can type these words and hit the right buttons to make them appear on a single page in an infinitely long book, and that you might be reading it tomorrow or next week or five years from now — a modern-day time machine.